Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Cross Vane In Action

This video taken on May 18th, 2011 shows how the cross vanes function in the stream during a high flow event. The high velocity flow shows how the cross vanes direct the flow of the water into the center of the channel and keep the pressure off of the banks thus reducing bank erosion.

Project Grading Complete

All major grading work for the Watts Branch Stream Restoration project has been completed. Remaining tasks include some instream work following DCWATER utility work in the stream and then final plantings in the Fall of 2011.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Construction of Cross Vanes

Cross vanes are being constructed in the stream between Hunt Place and Minnesota Ave to help keep the water in the center of the channel preventing high flows from eroding the stream banks. The cross vanes are constructed so that the stones in the banks are at a higher elevation than the stones in the center of the channel. The cross vanes also create areas where water can pool downstream of them which create areas for fish habitat and fish passage. The stones used in construction of the cross vanes are large, heavy, and strategically placed so that they will not be compromised during heavy storm flows.